AFN Command & Contingency Information Study

The AFN Command & Contingency Information Study (C2IS) collects honest feedback from active duty members of the U.S. military working overseas in the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM) area of responsibility about their use of media to receive command information, consume global news and information generally, and obtain news and information during natural disasters or contingency events.  It consists of a series of focus groups, the results of which will be used to continuously improve American Forces Network (AFN) services.  


Participant responses are independently collected, analyzed, and reported by the Data and Assessments Office (DAO) of the Defense Media Activity (DMA).  Data collected from or about individual participants is used only for research purposes and is not disclosed or used, in identifiable form, for any other purpose unless required by law. Study participation is voluntary.    


Study participation is by invitation only. Participation in focus groups is encouraged but will be conducted during duty hours and dependent on battle-rhythm requirements of your unit and at your chain of command’s discretion. 


Anonymized research results are reported to AFN and INDOPACOM leaders to validate and improve AFN services in the Indo-Pacific region.  Participants receive a short summary of the report findings and a Joint Certificate of Appreciation from the AFN Commander. 

If you have any suggestions for improving this research, or any comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual data, please write to Tatum Vayavananda, AFN Pacific Research Liaison, at or leave a message for him at DSN 315-225-2361. 


DMA is authorized to conduct the AFN C2IS by Department of Defense Instruction 5120.20, American Forces Network Program, paragraph 2.2. g.  The DMA Control Number for this voluntary information collection is DMA-MP-23-01. 

Link to USFJ PA Support Letter